var _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____ = function(name) {return (self._wb_wombat && self._wb_wombat.local_init && self._wb_wombat.local_init(name)) || self[name]; }; if (!self.__WB_pmw) { self.__WB_pmw = function(obj) { this.__WB_source = obj; return this; } } { let window = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("window"); let self = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("self"); let document = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("document"); let location = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("location"); let top = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("top"); let parent = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("parent"); let frames = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("frames"); let opener = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("opener"); (function($){ $.fn.showcase = function(options){ var settings = $.extend({}, $.fn.showcase.defaults, options); var _this = $(this); var blocks = { wrapper: '
', controls: '' }; var li_width, li_height, ul_width, ul_height, elements; var isMoving = false; var make = function() { var timer, timer_on_blur; elements = $('li',_this); _this.wrap(blocks.wrapper).addClass('sc').find('li').addClass('sc-block-holder'); li_width = $('li:first-child',_this).innerWidth(); li_height = $('li:first-child',_this).innerHeight(); ul_width = li_width*settings.columns; ul_height = li_height*settings.rows; _this .css({'height': ul_height+'px','width': ul_width+'px'}) .parent('div') .css({'height': ul_height+'px','width': ul_width+'px'}); if(settings.arrowsNav == true) { _this.after(blocks.controls); _controls = $(_this).parent('div').find('.sc-controls'); _next = $(_this).parent('div').find(''); _prev = $(_this).parent('div').find('.sc-controls.prev'); } $.fn.showcase.setpositions(_this, settings, li_width, li_height); if(settings.autoStart == true){ timer = setInterval(function(){ switch(settings.direction){ case 'horizontal': $.fn.showcase.move(settings, _this, 'right', isMoving, li_width, li_height); break; case 'vertical': $.fn.showcase.move(settings, _this, 'down', isMoving, li_width, li_height); break; } },settings.pauseTime); } if(settings.autoStart == true && settings.pauseOnHover == true ){ _this.hover(function(){ clearInterval(timer); },function(){ timer = setInterval(function(){ switch(settings.direction){ case 'horizontal': $.fn.showcase.move(settings, _this, 'right', isMoving, li_width, li_height); break; case 'vertical': $.fn.showcase.move(settings, _this, 'down', isMoving, li_width, li_height); break; } },settings.pauseTime); }); if(settings.arrowsNav == true){ _controls.hover(function(){ clearInterval(timer); },function(){ timer = setInterval(function(){ switch(settings.direction){ case 'horizontal': $.fn.showcase.move(settings, _this, 'right', isMoving, li_width, li_height); break; case 'vertical': $.fn.showcase.move(settings, _this, 'down', isMoving, li_width, li_height); break; } },settings.pauseTime); }); } } if(settings.arrowsNav == true){ _next.bind('click',function(){ switch(settings.direction){ case 'horizontal': $.fn.showcase.move(settings, _this, 'left', isMoving, li_width, li_height); break; case 'vertical': $.fn.showcase.move(settings, _this, 'up', isMoving, li_width, li_height); break; } }); _prev.bind('click',function(){ switch(settings.direction){ case 'horizontal': $.fn.showcase.move(settings, _this, 'right', isMoving, li_width, li_height); break; case 'vertical': $.fn.showcase.move(settings, _this, 'down', isMoving, li_width, li_height); break; } }); } }; return this.each(make); }; $.fn.showcase.popout = function(_this){ var x = $('li',_this).eq(0).clone(); $('li',_this).eq(0).remove(); _this.append( x ); }; $.fn.showcase.popin = function(x, direction, elements, _this, li_width, li_height){ var last_element = elements.length; for(x; x>0; x--){ var elt = $('li',_this).eq(last_element-1).clone(); switch(direction){ case 'vertical': var left = li_width*(x-1); var top = li_height; elt.css({'top': '-'+top+'px','left':left+'px'}); break; case 'horizontal': var left = li_width; var top = li_height*(x-1); elt.css({'top': top+'px','left':'-'+left+'px'}); break; } $('li',_this).eq(last_element-1).remove(); _this.prepend( elt ); } } $.fn.showcase.setpositions = function(_this, settings, li_width, li_height){ elements = $('li',_this); var w = settings.columns; var h = settings.rows; var c = r = o = 1; // colums, row, block offset switch(settings.direction){ case 'horizontal': for(var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++){ var left = li_width*(c-1); var top = li_height*(r-1); $(elements[i]).css({'top': top+'px','left': left+'px'}); if( r == h ) { r=0; c++; } r++; } break; case 'vertical': for(var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++){ var left = li_width*(c-1); var top = li_height*(r-1); $(elements[i]).css({'top': top+'px','left': left+'px'}); if( c == w ) { r++; c=0; } c++; } break; } }; $.fn.showcase.move = function(settings, _this, dir, isMoving, li_width, li_height){ var elements = $('li',_this); if(isMoving == true) return false; else { isMoving = true; switch(dir){ case 'up': $.fn.showcase.setpositions(_this, settings, li_width, li_height); var popout = $.fn.showcase.popout; setTimeout(function(){ for(var i = 0; i=0; i--){ if( i < t ){ (function(i,elements,j,t){ setTimeout(function(){ $(elements[i]).animate({'top': '+='+li_height+'px'}, settings.animSpeed, settings.easingEfect); }, settings.delay*j) })(i,elements,j,t); j++; } } },10); break; case 'left': $.fn.showcase.setpositions(_this,settings, li_width, li_height); var popout = $.fn.showcase.popout; setTimeout(function(){ for(var i = 0; i=0; i--){ if( i > t ) j = 0; (function(i,elements,j,t){ setTimeout(function(){ $(elements[i]).animate({'left': '+='+li_width+'px'}, settings.animSpeed, settings.easingEfect); }, settings.delay*j) })(i,elements,j,t); j++; } },10); break; } setTimeout(function(){ isMoving = false; },settings.delay*elements.length); } }; $.fn.showcase.defaults = { animSpeed:550, autoStart:true, pauseTime:3000, arrowsNav:true, arrowsNavHide:true, columns: 1, rows: 0, delay: 35, direction: 'vertical', //vertical, horizontal pauseOnHover: true, easingEfect: 'swing' }; })(jQuery); } /* FILE ARCHIVED ON 07:30:09 Aug 21, 2018 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 07:34:26 Aug 22, 2023. 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